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Right to Information Act

(Querist) 03 September 2008 This query is : Resolved 
If aggrieved by an order of CPIO (CPIO has not provided the information by saying 'NO PUBLIC INTEREST INVOLVED & IT RELATES TO THIRD PARTY'), whether the order can be challanged in Civil Court or any other Court?
Pls give the provisions & if possible any case law.

Pls, its urgent.
SANJAY DIXIT (Querist) 03 September 2008
Pls let the querry open for other opinions.
H. S. Thukral (Expert) 04 September 2008
Dear Sanjay :
If the information sought is under RTI Act and is denied, the appeal/complaint under section 19 of the Act shall lie. In case fundamental rights are involved and or the inforamtion sought from the Government is in public domain HC/SC can intervene under writ juridiction. Even before the RTI Act was introduced in 2005, the Apex Court has held in favour of eligibility of the petitioner to seek such information.
( Instead of answering the queries you have started asking solution to your own queries. Mind you, you are one of the top member of the club- joke )
ESTHERPRIYA (Expert) 04 September 2008
Dear Sir,

If the information sought for is denied within 30 days from the date of receipt of the form under the RTI act, then appeal lies before Information Commission and there to your information is denied. Then writ jurisdicion of concerned High Court can be invoked.
Note taht certain documents are exempted under the Information Act which you cant bring under the purview of the Act
SANJAY DIXIT (Querist) 05 September 2008
Thanx to Mr Harbhajan & Padmpriya for giving their valuable suggestions.

Dear Harbhajan,
Thanks for the complements/comments, I liked it.

In our practical life, during handling the cases, we often face some situational problems. I think we members of EXPERT Group should also put them in this section for better/more suggestions in the benefit of other members.

Regards to All.
Hiralal Das (Expert) 06 April 2009
Thanks all of you the ld. members and the author.
I think your valuable opinions will assist everybody to solve their problem/matter in question properly.

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