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SLP filed by minority union in Hon. Supreme Court

(Querist) 15 February 2011 This query is : Resolved 
Our company is being revived under an order from the BIFR, confirmed by the AAIFR. Union filed a Writ Pet. in the Hon. Bombay High Court. WP was dismissed. They filed SLP in Hon. Supreme court. After hearing the matter for over ten months, of and on, there is an order for Issue of notice. No mention of stay. Petition is to be finally heard in 6 months. I wish to know: what are the implications of "Issue Notice". Whether 'stay' is automatic with issue notice?
Kirti Kar Tripathi (Expert) 15 February 2011
Issue notice means a direction to the issue notice to the respondents/opposite party to have their say on the petition. Unless there is no specific stay order,the order of "Issue notice" does not mean staying of orders of the lowers courts/tribunals.

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