Bike stolen by university employee

Querist :
(Querist) 25 August 2011
This query is : Resolved
hello Sir..
My bike got stolen by one of the employee working in University. I have all the documents of my bike.University has its own security so I cannot enter . only students and employees can enter into the university. I came to know that bike was stolen by one of the employee working in that university. I kept police case but its no use BCZ that employee never takes my bike out of campus.More over, he keeps University logo sticker on the bike so, no police ask him for bike documents. Security checks all the vehicles and its details at the entrance of the university. My question can I ask by RTI to PIO of the university give me list of bikes roaming in the university with out proper papers and the copies of documents of my bike with my bike number? Can I able to trace the information through RTI from PIO of the university..

(Expert) 25 August 2011
Rti is applicable to govt. and their offices so in which university you are talking about?
University is not a public authority.
A deemed university may also come inside the definition of 'public authority'.
As per the notification in the official gazette of the central government the deemed universities are declared to be so.

Querist :
(Querist) 25 August 2011
I am talking about the Central University of Hyderabad.Employee roams with my bike with University of Hyderabad Sticker on front face of the bike..No police catch him and ask for documents of the bike!!!
Can RTI will be useful in this issue ?
(Expert) 25 August 2011
RTI is absolutely useless for this purpose. University is not supposed to maintain the vehicles roaming in its premises. So you will not get any benefit by pursuing the RTI route.
If you are sure that it is your bike, why cannot you directly complain to the police naming the person who is having your stolen bike, and also telling other descriptions like he is not taking out the bike out of the campus, etc. etc?