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Normally police will give CSR as a receipt of the complaint.

(Querist) 20 August 2010 This query is : Resolved 
1) Normally police will give CSR as a receipt of the complaint. So what do u mean by CSR .

2) The FIR will reflect the original complaint and additional information. But, once the FIR is registered you can not change.

The charge sheet cannot be altered. Only additional charge sheet can be filed after conducting the further investigation. This info provided in the additional charge sheet may contradict the first charge sheet. Which Section says the above mentioned matter also. There is no such provision under the CPC & CRPC to amend a criminal complaint & also a civil complaint. (Complaint defines a FIR in nature). So can any LD members say that which sections says that when a FIR is registrerd under the police station no one can amend or alter the FIR whether it is a civil complaint or criminal complaint in nature. OR any sections says that if the chargesheet if prepared than we can alter or amend the FIR or before it. & when the chargesheet if prepared & why what is the basic points of the chargesheet & how much it is imp in terms of indian evidence act. or who much it is useful to win a case. can a chargesheet can be alter or amend after the chargesheet is presented to the court or before it. Defination of chargesheet & its provisions.

Thanks In Advance.
s.subramanian (Expert) 21 August 2010
1.Community service Register.
2. Yes. It cannot be altered.There is no provision in law which eanbles an alteration of the FIR.
3. Read Sec.156 Cr.P.C.A charge sheet may be amended or altered by filing supplementary or additional charge sheet.Charge sheet is nothing but a final report filed after investigation which forms the basis of a criminal case.It will contain the basis of the charges levelled against the accused for the commission of crimes alleged against him.
s.subramanian (Expert) 21 August 2010
The only execption to the rule relating to FIR is when an offence originaly alleged turns into another offence the police has the power to alter the FIR to add that offence in the FIR.
G. ARAVINTHAN (Expert) 21 August 2010
can FIR can be altered ?

to my knowledge, it cannot be altered.

After investigation, the inclusions and alterations can be made and the same is called as Charge Sheet, is it not?
Shashikant V. Patil (Expert) 21 August 2010
FIR cannot be altered. But if any more sections are to be apply are left to charge the person then in that case additional or supplimentary charge sheet can be framed against the offender.
s.subramanian (Expert) 21 August 2010
Even an FIR can be altered For example in cases of suspicious death the FIR is registered under Sec.174 Cr.P.C. On investigation,if the police conclude that it is a case of murder,the FIR can be altered into 302 I.P.C. Similarly when a case case is regsitered under Sec.307 IPC for attempr to murder and subsequently the victim dies without responding to medical treatment the FIR can be altered into 302 IPC.

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