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advocate and advertisement

(Querist) 31 October 2008 This query is : Resolved 
i want to know that can a law firm can advrtise through posters or pamplets, as they are advertising through website? can it is an offence as per advocates act, see the doctors are also advertising there nursing home though it is not allowed then why can;t we, i need some suggestions
smilingadvocate (Expert) 31 October 2008
As per my opinion any listing made in any website does not amount to advertisement it is only in a data base information the information as to the advocate is being posted and if any website is created as to their own firm it also may not amount to advertisement as we are not calling for any clients as to our services, or soliciting work through the websites, in fact the advertisement is prohibited under the Advocates act as a code of conduct
Manish Singh (Expert) 01 November 2008
advertising of our profession in any form is prohibited whether in physical or expressed (including websites). its an offence under the Advocates act.
advocate satya (Querist) 01 November 2008
a little doubt here, many law firms as an NGO, is providing free services to litigants and for this they are telemarketing, as well as there posters are displayed at consumer courts, they are making members and duly taking small fee for the same, is they are doing offence and in such a open way?
Manish Singh (Expert) 01 November 2008
See, there could be a dispute over this point since they are taking up one of the noble cause and our duty as an advocate towards the society. so in actual terms they are not advertising but providing legal aid to public.

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