Mutation reguest reg
(Querist) 12 December 2008
This query is : Resolved
1)What is the procidure for changing owner name (Mutation) for particular House in muncipality/gram panchyat etc
2) what are the certificate are requied for verify during the verificaiton of survey number has changed as new re-survey number. who is the authotiry to issue the certifiate of such effect

(Expert) 12 December 2008
For Mutation :
1. Visit your municipality and the form ffrom that office and clear all dues of that property which you want to mutate .
2. pay some mutation fee to the authority
3. and attached registered Deed of conveyance and NoC( that you have clear all dues to that property.
For certificate
1. visit the your BLRO offcie with old purcha (i.e Right of Record) and they will provide you the current status of property