Querist :
(Querist) 29 August 2011
This query is : Resolved
Sir,I have a Pagdi shop in a chawl which is on collectors land and is declared slum area . There is no agreement on paper with the landlord. I am staying there since 1984.I am paying the rent to the landlord and have all the rent receipts with me which prove that I m staying since 1984. I also have the electicity bill in my name which is of 1984. As per the Maharashtra slum act anybody staying in the slum before 1995 will get rehabilated in SRA projects.My queries are :1) Should I still pay rent as the landlord is encrocher 2) Will I get the benefit of SRA scheme.3)Is the Maharashtra rent control Act still applicable to the Area declared as SLUM AREA.
M.Sheik Mohammed Ali
(Expert) 29 August 2011
if you have all the documents then filed writ, minimum 12 years who ever occupied without interference the become owner of the land, so you produced all the documents before slum clearness board if deny the file writ.
Dr Anil Kumar Singh
(Expert) 29 August 2011
I agree with the expert. You may approach the concerned authorities first and if they denie you may file writ.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 29 August 2011
i too agree with experts.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 30 August 2011
1. No but should retain your continued possession.
2. Yes, if properly applied and persued your case.
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