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(Querist) 18 March 2013 This query is : Resolved 
There are lots of discrepancies in the workings and financial workings of a regd Society.
Can a member demand any document relating to a Regd.Society of which he is a member.
Can he demand extracts of Minutes Books of current years and previous years / Previous election officers/ Voters List/ Balance Sheet and other financial papers from the Society.
Will he demand these documents from the Gen. Secretary of the Society or Registrar of the Society or can he take the help of RTI to obtain these documents.
Does he have any right to demand these papers.
Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 18 March 2013
mints of books is the record of functionary of society So as a member he can have right to get copy ,
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 18 March 2013
Yes. A member has every right to get the desired record from the society.
tdeli (Querist) 18 March 2013
So a member can always ask for the following documents from the society -

1.Extracts of Minutes books (can he ask for the last 3 years).

2.Can he ask the details of Balance Sheets and P/L Accounts and other fininacial documents.

3.Voters List of previous elections.

Now whom will i ask for these details from -
Registrar of Societies.
Through RTI Act.


ajay sethi (Expert) 18 March 2013
under bye laws adopted by the society member is entitled to take inspection of documents . he can ask for copies of documents . society is bound to furnish on payment of charges . if society refuses to furnish then he can complaint to dy registrar
tdeli (Querist) 18 March 2013
The Bye Laws are silent on the subject of Minutes Books and previous voters lists.

Regarding the Accounts, The Bye Laws states that the member can inspect his own accounts by paying nominal fees, but only his own accounts.

My ques. is that, till we dont get the above documents how can we show and ourselves understand the discrepancies of the management of the societies regarding illegal voters list where the Gen.Sec. himself is not an eligible member and also regarding the mis appropriation of funds.

Thanks ...

Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 18 March 2013
You better lodge complaint with the registrar. it may adjudicate the dispute and allow you to inspect the whole accounts.
Financial irregularities is grave offence.
tdeli (Querist) 19 March 2013
The Bye Laws are silent on the subject of Minutes Books and previous voters lists.

Regarding the Accounts, The Bye Laws states that the member can inspect his own accounts by paying nominal fees, but only his own accounts.

My ques. is that, till we dont get the above documents how can we show and ourselves understand the discrepancies of the management of the societies regarding illegal voters list where the Gen.Sec. himself is not an eligible member and also regarding the mis appropriation of funds.

Thanks ...
tdeli (Querist) 19 March 2013

The Bye Laws are silent on the subject of Minutes Books and previous voters lists.

Regarding the Accounts, The Bye Laws states that the member can inspect his own accounts by paying nominal fees, but only his own accounts.

My ques. is that, till we dont get the above documents how can we show and ourselves understand the discrepancies of the management of the societies regarding illegal voters list where the Gen.Sec. himself is not an eligible member and also regarding the mis appropriation of funds.

Thanks ...
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 19 March 2013
Even if bye-laws of your society are silent over the issue to show the relevant record to its members, this right is available to every member under the Society Registration Act hence your general right cannot be snatched by managing committee just because there is no mention of such law in their bye-laws.
tdeli (Querist) 20 March 2013
Thanks ...

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