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Promotion related issue

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 23 September 2021 This query is : Resolved 
I have been denied promotion though I was 4th in the Seniority list out of 9 and having 1st or 2nd in terms of pre-interview marks. Interview marks consists of 10 marks only. I was having 3 to 4.5 marks more than other candidates. Three candidates who joined one year later to me promoted ahead of me. They become equivalent to me because of the changes in promotion policy from 4 to 3 years over a period of time. Once they got promotion in 2.5 years as well with retrospective effect (Promoted in December but with effect from June in 2.5 years). Candidates who got promotion were 1, 6,7 & 9 in the list out of nine. I already a wrote letter to the management seeking reason for non-promotion. I am working in a PSU (Central Govt undertaking). Kindly guide me on this matter.

Thanks & Regards,

krishna mohan (Expert) 23 September 2021
You can seek information under RTI and parallelly submit grievance with facts. If your organization covered under CAT you can file a case to contest promotion if you are fully convinced that system followed is away from promotion rules. You need to check on your confidential report also and normally that is also taken into account while deciding the promotion.
Pradipta Nath (Expert) 23 September 2021
File RTI and thereafter move before the CAT upon appraising of facts and information received through RTI.
P. Venu (Expert) 23 September 2021
The facts posted suggest the promotion to be based on merit than on seniority. As such the selection for promotion cannot be assailed except on the grounds of arbitrariness, malfides, illegality or being perverse. You seek judicial review before the CAT/High Court based on those grounds, if feasible.
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 23 September 2021
At the time of giving promotions, are there any charges pending or any reports against you? If you denied, why were other candidates at to 5 and 8 denied? However, as expressed by the above learned experts, you have to obtain information under RTI. After getting information consult a local advocate and to file a case in CAT.

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