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What type of Vehicle is Mini Bus:

(Querist) 04 September 2008 This query is : Resolved 
Section 2 clause 7,14,15,16,17,18,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,35,39,40,43,44and 47 etc of the Motor vehicle Act of 1988, described various kinds of Vehicles.Now under which kind of vehicle Mini Bus will be categorized?
KamalNayanSaxena (Expert) 04 September 2008
"transport vehicle", "light motor vehicle", "goods carriage", "heavy goods vehicle" and "medium goods vehicle" have been defined in S. 2 of the Act as under :

"transport vehicle" (clause (47)) means a public service vehicle, a goods carriage, an educational institution bus or a private service vehicle; "light motor vehicle" (clause (21)) means a transport vehicle or omnibus the gross vehicle weight of either of which or a motor car or tractor or road-roller the unladen weight of any of which, does not exceed 7500 kilograms; "goods carriage" (clause (14)) means any motor vehicle constructed or adopted for use solely for the carriage of goods, or any motor vehicle not so constructed or adapted when used for the carriage of goods; "heavy goods vehicle" (clause (16)) means any goods carriage the gross vehicle weight of which, or a tractor or a road-roller the unladen weight of either of which, exceeds 12,000 Kilograms; and "medium goods vehicle" (clause 23)) means any goods carriage other than a light motor vehicle or a heavy goods vehicle.

Definition of "light motor vehicle" as given in clause (21 ) of Section 2 of the Act can apply only to a "light goods vehicle" or a "light transport vehicle". A "light motor vehicle" otherwise has to be covered by the definition of "motor vehicle" or "vehicle" as given in clause (28) of Section 2 of the Act. A light motor vehicle cannot always mean a light goods carriage. Light motor vehicle can be non-transport vehicle as well.

So with the above discussion it can be safely concluded that the catagory of vehicle shall be decided by its weight.
kumar sachin (Expert) 04 September 2008
transport vehicle/ carriage
K.C.Suresh (Expert) 05 September 2008
clause 47 Transport vehicle
If belowe 7500 kgs its an LMV. Weight is a consideration to decide type.
N.K.Assumi (Querist) 05 September 2008
Required more response:
KamalNayanSaxena (Expert) 07 September 2008
That's all

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