Unfavourable witness.
(Querist) 20 August 2010
This query is : Resolved
1) Witness turns hostile defence means what also the meaning of defence in civil & criminal cases & meaning of hostile witness , Unfavourable witness if possible with the help of a example.
2) Defination of Written Statement by the Defendant . Advantages & Disadvantages
Written Statement by the Defendant & Written Statement by the Plantiff in any cases or Affidavit filed by the Defendant or by the Plantiff what will be the major difference which one will be more important in it. Also can any body tell me in which cases a party has a right to file a Written Statement or he has to file complusory Written Statement & the affidavit is not excepteable or not allowed. Also i have heard that when a Written Statement is submitted than affidavit is not required and if the affidavit is submitted than Written Statement is not required i need a hole inforamtion of Written Statement when to file who can file how can objective it what are the court has the powers and the judge has the powers when a Written Statement has been filed at what stage the Written Statement should be filed complusory and if filed is more benefial to the party (in short ever thing about the Written Statement & the affidavit which one is more useful). AS per which section or any case laws the above mentioned info i will get or it says.
Thanks In Advance.