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Regarding property owned by HUF

(Querist) 24 January 2009 This query is : Resolved 
In case where a property is owned by x's HUF (where X is karta), who will get the title of the property after X passes away?
sanjeev murthy desai (Expert) 24 January 2009
Dear Sonecha,

After demise of X all his propertis devolved upon all his legal heirs having equal share

sanjeev desai
Pramey Sonecha (Querist) 25 January 2009
Dear Mr. Sanjay,

I understood that after X demise all his properties owned by him in personal capacity is herited by his all legal heirs in equal share. I want to know, in case where property is purchased on name of HUF of X and when X passes away, (other eldest member of X's HUF becomes Karta of X's HUF) who holds title?
Adv.Shine Thomas (Expert) 25 January 2009
It is a presumption of Hindu law that ordinarily the seniormost male member is the Karta of thejoint family.After his death it passes to the next seniormost male member.
A V Vishal (Expert) 08 April 2009
In case the karta has died insetate without partitioning the property in his lifetime then the eldest male member of the HUF becomes the Karta. Only property held in the personal & indivdual capacity of the deceased devolves on his legal heirs. However, my view is the HUF property can be distributed amongst the legal heirs of the deceased on basis of mutual consensus or even otherwise.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 09 April 2009
X is the Kartha of HUF - and X was managing the HUF property for himslef and other coparcners/Share Holders and after death of X the HUF Proeprty title will be with the other Co- parceners and legal heirs of the X who will become the parties to HUF in the place of X and the HUF Property will be managed by elder HUF-family mebers as Khartha in the place of Late-X - the title remain with the HUF-Family represented by elder family member/Manager /Kartha - he will manage the HUF Property
Jithendra.H.J (Expert) 21 May 2009
title will be with the HUF!

khata can be changed in to any name
(family member) with the consent of the family members.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 25 May 2009
Dear Jithendra you are right !
Sachin Bhatia (Expert) 04 October 2009
If karta has died without partitioning the property next eldest male member of the HUF becomes the Karta.

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