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Denial Of Electricity Connection

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 13 June 2011 This query is : Resolved 
In Punjab State Punjab Power Corporation Ltd has issued circular and displayed it on their notice boards that new connection, shall not be issued,in colonies which are not approved by PUDA ( Punjab Urban Development Agency), or Improvement Trust,or Development Agency in Districts e.g. Greater Mohali Development Agency.The corporation is jealously implementing the order.
Although the Nagar Nigam is passing the Naksha and issuing the approved plan, and collecting the development charges, and laying sewerage lines, water pipes etc.
In each colonies the houses which are already built have electricity connections.
What are the rights of the citizens. Shall the citizen be treated a consumer.
What relief and recourse is available to citizen and what steps should be taken to get the electricity connection.
Kindly advice.
Kiran Kumar (Expert) 13 June 2011
it will be better to file a writ petition before P&H high court and challenge the circular issued by the PSPCL.

reason being when the municipal authorities are already passing the site plan and charging development charges then it simply implies that the colonies or houses are on approved sites.

there is no PUDA in Mohali the things are being managed by GAMADA.

you get the copies of all the documents (not necessarily certified), show me the things then we will proceed legally in the court.

PSPCL is no authority to pass any order contrary to public policy and law of the land.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 13 June 2011
PALNITKAR V.V. (Expert) 14 June 2011
If the municipal ie. local authorities are approving the site plans and providing other basic amenities, the electricity boards can not act arbitrarily and deny basic amenity like electricity. Had it been unauthorized colony then perhaps, electric connection could have denied.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 15 June 2011
Some of the colonies which carved out 15 years back and are now one of the most posh address.
The rates fixed by revenue department for registry are equal to some of the best colonies.
But the MC has sent a list of unapproved colonies to PSPCL and requested not to approve permanent power connections. Hence PSPCL is granting temporary power connection but denying the permanent.
Whereas MC is approving site plans, laying and repairing roads,granting water and sewerage connections.
PSPCL is expressing inability to do anything.There are protests everyday against the act of MC by MC councilors, and now even village level sarpanchs etc, irrespective of their political party affiliations are joining,but the question arises, can MC do it.
Is it against law.What are tangible and prudent soloutions.

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