
(Querist) 09 April 2013
This query is : Resolved
For how many years mediation runs in Indian court for divorce case?
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 09 April 2013
Mediation can not happen more than three sittings.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 09 April 2013
Generally it gets over on the same hearing on the same day what to talk of years. Even the possibility is found even at a later stage, the mediation may be made at any time.

(Querist) 09 April 2013
I attended mediation for 4 dates. Still it is running.
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 09 April 2013
Bring this to the notice of the court.
Mediation meetings can not be held on so many occasions.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 09 April 2013
If you deny for compromise then it shall be over even on the same day.
Advocate M.Bhadra
(Expert) 09 April 2013
Mediation is a process in which disputing parties attempt to resolve their disagreements with the help of an impartial, trained neutral third party... the mediator/Conciliator.
The mediator does not pass judgment but help the parties open communication, identify their differences and reach agreement on how to resolve them. A conciliator has a greater role than a Mediator. He make proposal, formulates and reformulates the terms of possible settlement.
Throughout the business world, and especially in common law jurisdictions, there is a recognition that properly conducted facilitative mediations/conciliations are generally the most effective means by which parties in civil and commercial disputes can resolve the matters that divide them without the delays, costs and uncertainties implicit in litigation.
When the disputing parties have reached a mutually acceptable solution, they sign a written agreement which outlines the terms of the settlement. Once the agreement is signed, parties are legally bound to abide by its terms. If the parties cannot reach a mutually agreeable settlement, they are free to arbitrate or litigate their dispute as if the mediation never took place.
Adv. Chandrasekhar
(Expert) 10 April 2013
In matrimonial matters, mediation is mandatory. There is no upper time limit for concluding the mediation. If the mediator gets feeling that further pursuation would bring positive results between the estranged couple, he can go on in his attempts. But, if any one of the couple feels that further mediation is a futile effort, he/she shall categorically say that and the mediator, in such eventuality, refer back the matter to the court for compulsory adjudication.
(Expert) 10 April 2013
Mediation is never denied.
If any party to marriage believe, no possibility to settle matter, , must notify in writing to Mediator with copy to court to proceed the matter.