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Sanik institution

(Querist) 28 April 2013 This query is : Resolved 

Please find out my queries which is regarding construction of buildings for welfare of troops of INDARMY. Basically any building/institution which has to be constructed in Army for the purpose of welfare of troops is a Govt building which is constructed by the Military Engineering Services. MES is overall responsible for execution and maintenance of the building and to manage allotment of funds, manpower, elect & water supply and any other requirement with get sanction from the Higher HQ or AHQ. And if the building also constructed for the Commercial Purpose too, like Sainik Institute which is basically constructed for the entertainment eg. having facilities for Sports Complex, TV and BAR & Restaurant too.

In view of the above I may request all Experts please let me know is there any Military Law/Rules & Regulations in vogue/policy for subscription from the troops of INDARMY may be taken by org in which they are in posted strength.

Thanking You,

With Regards..

Tajobsindia (Expert) 28 April 2013
1.Various Armed Forces Clubs spread across India are indeed run on ‘subscription’ basis.
2. Infact some of the legendary Institutions (Club’s) have even allowed transfer of membership to son, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law on ‘subscription’ basis.
3. You have to ask specific query in relation to various or specific Armed Forces 'Club' and as a pointer Army Golf Club, Delhi Cantt. charges ‘green fees’ from its ‘members’ and the members here on the Golf Course are from various wings of Armed forces and they even charge ‘temp. guest charges’ from ‘civilians’ invitees of members who accompany guests.
4. If a Club is there in the Cant. Board area then troops or members of armed forces posted there for long duration do take 'club's subscription' and it is not that some new Rule / Policy has to be made for the same for implementation as asked.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 28 April 2013
state real facts.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 29 April 2013
Unless the true facts of the case are not posted, the relevant reply is not possible from our side.
kamal kumar (Querist) 29 April 2013
First of all I pay my regards to all experts...


As advised by the Tajobsindia above, that Various Armed Forces Clubs spread across India are indeed run on ‘subscription’ basis. Yah I am fully agreed on the statement, but its a Basic rules for run any Club is that Club needs membership, then only club liable to subscription from the members. But if organisation ordered to pay the same without any membership from all the posted persons, I think this is cant be in our rules and regulations or legally correct. Because if the individual have any interest for joining club for his entertainment, then he pay for the same, that is logically correct, but if anyone not interested then why should he pay for the same. He might be so many reasons for not joining like he have not sufficient time, not actually interested for Sports Facility from the Club, He might be nondrinker, staying single not with family etc. The Club is newly constructed and I think not required any maintenance for the next 10 years. The garden is not so big which needs extra maintenance and also govt employees are there. An Restaurant is running there by the Civil Contractor. An anticipated amount of 5 lakhs per month is collected on account of the same.

So, experts are requested to resolve my query for which I remain thankful as organisation is forcefully ordered to pay such subscription on account of Sainik Institute. And in my view most of the Sainik have not much time for avail such facility but they paying.

Thanking You,

With Regards....
kamal kumar (Querist) 01 May 2013
Hello to all Experts,

Please resolve my problem.

Thanking You,

With regards..
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 01 May 2013
This is the best case which requires to be agitated before the high court by way of the writ petition.
kamal kumar (Querist) 02 May 2013

Thanks to Expert @rajkumarmakkad

Before I appeal against such cases, I should be in a strong position to raise such points with the reference/rules/law for the same. So, experts are requested to give suitable directions and basically rules and regulations for the said case.

Thanking You,

With Regards....

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