Regarding false marriage
(Querist) 24 May 2013
This query is : Resolved
Hi, i need a answer to the query that one of my friend is facing a false case against him. He was in relationship with a girl and wanted to marry her but at that time the girl did not agree and refused on family and personal grounds so my friend parted his ways.After some time dont know what happened the girl and his father agreed to marry him but my friend refused as he was no longer interested.So as to take revenge the girl and her father has filled false case aganist my friend showing that they both are married and have produced false Arya samaj marriage certificate in court. Not this only that girl has also created false documents like Pan card and passport using boys sir name. So now being innocent also my friend is caught in such case. Pls help me giving proper guidance as to what could be done.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 24 May 2013
you have to deny existence of marriage . visit arya samaj from where marriage has been regd . check their records . file criminal complaint against wife for fabrication of documents , forgery etc .
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 24 May 2013
If your friend had not signed the application and affidavit for alleged marriage in Arya Samaj then definitely a criminal case is liable to be filed by your friend against that girl, all witnesses and Arya Samaj people.