Paid legal services
Khaleel Ahmed Mohammed
(Querist) 09 July 2013
This query is : Resolved
Dear Colleagues,
I request to the admin to commence paid legal services at this portal and the admin should pay partly to the experts who provide best advice.
All the experts are requested to participate with their valuable suggestions .
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 09 July 2013
i fully agree with the views of expert
Khaleel Ahmed.i appreciate ur courage.
I was the one who raised this point when i
joined this site in 2012 and other experts
made a mockery of my query, as at that time
i was new to this site.
Khaleel Ahmed Mohammed
(Querist) 10 July 2013
Thank you Nandaji.I hereby invite all experts of this portal to participate with their healthy views.
Dr. Jyothi Vishwanath
(Expert) 11 July 2013
Consideration for legal advice given here need not necessarily be in the form of money. After all,what we are doing here is a kind of service to the society which has given us so much. Now when we are in a position to return back, I don't think we need to ask remuneration from a forum like this.
If any client really needs help, he will approach advocates of this forum in reality and at that time, the advocate will get paid for his services and can charge fees from the client.
Instead of payment in cash, some other benefit like subscriptions to SCC or manupatra can be better.
Still the issue is open for opinions of other legal experts.
I said what I felt...
ajay sethi
(Expert) 11 July 2013
1)this site is meant for providing free service to litigants who cant afford legal fees .
2)in case a litigant wants personalised service he is free to contact any expert for conference or written opinion .
experts are at liberty to charge the querist for such advise .
3)it is the administration call as to whether they want to introduce paid legal service or not .
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 11 July 2013
I do endorse the views of Ajay and Dr. Vishwanath. I was even against the introduction of PRO system by Admin on the site. A querist is open to avail the legal serices of any expert of his choice, if he deems it fit otherwise this is just a social service on our part. There is no compulsion from either side to be an active expert even anyone thinks that his valuable time devoted on the site should fetch rewards in cash.
We all active experts are definitely getting rewards indirectly like blessings of needy litigants, our name, fame through the Hall of Fame and moreover, an interaction platform for all lawyers working in different parts of the country.
Admin may start such service for the benefit of needy litigants but I feel that the present system should not be abolished.

(Expert) 11 July 2013
I don't know in what manner the admn takes this issue. But in my views, the question about criteria of adjudging the best advice of the participating contributors may arise, if premium service for the querists is introduced.
The question arises, who and how he would judge the best of the advice out of the variety of advice and opinions of the experts? Naturally, the admn would have to augment strength of its establishment for going through innumerable replies every day.
Even otherwise also, quality of service rendered by the experts through their free advice automatically attracts the readers to become client of one or the other experts, if they really feel the need to hire services of some specific expert based on their own judgment.
There are more demerits than nerits of introduction of the premiun service for the querists, e.g., (1) the querists would shy away from posting their queries, as in majority of the cases, their queries are of general nature attracting general advice, which they would not prefer to pay for. Only a few of them come with complex problems; (2) popularity of the website is likely to go down due to membership not coming forward with their queries; (3) Majority of the querists do not normally prefer commerialisation of even routine services by the experts; and (4) the advocates are likely to get lesser opportunity to enhance their talents by mutual exchange of knowledge and the practices all over India due to likely decrease in inputs on the website; etc.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 11 July 2013
More or less i too have the same view what has been expressed in negative against the idea proposed as it would be a very bumpy road in the way of querists with lot of trouble of which few foreseen already discussed and many are unforeseen that would arise among experts themselves.
Dr. Jyothi Vishwanath
(Expert) 11 July 2013
For the free and self less services rendered by the experts here, one thing can be definitely done by the Admin. They can have a region wise directory of the experts in this forum. The querist can then approach an expert of his region if he wishes to have further help in proceeding with the case in the court. In such arrangement, here the society benefits by free legal advice and indirectly the expert approached will better handle the cases in court as they will be aware of the case to a greater extent through this forum.