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Whether not paying the dues towards the bills becomes criminal offence

(Querist) 21 July 2013 This query is : Resolved 
my query is
the dues towards bills of labor contractor not paid by builder.
contractor files the civil suit for recovery
gets judgement and decree in his favor and receives the payment after completing complete civil suit cycle
my query is
after receiving the money after long enough civil case cycle can he file criminal proceeding against the builder for not paying dues when they were due.on account of harassment by making him to run from one court to another for recovery of his legitimate dues
please guide
ajay sethi (Expert) 21 July 2013
no . you have filed recovery suit obtained decree and recovered your money . no question of filing criminal complaint now . don't spend more money on litigation
malipeddi jaggarao (Expert) 22 July 2013
You are again thinking of running to another court!
Guest (Expert) 22 July 2013
Why not? You are free to file any number of criminal cases against the builder, provided you are also ready to face retalliatory moves of the builder and have time and money to spend for all such wasteful efforts.

Why do you feel that the other party would simply keep silent on your filing criminal case against him?

You should have been satisfied when you have recovered your dues along with interest and cost, if any.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 22 July 2013
Agree with the experts, nothing more to add.

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