Under what circumstances and for what reasons a judge can refuse to hear the case and recommend for transfer of the the case to some other bench ? What are its legal implications ? Who will be more affected - petitioners or respondents ? What the petitioners have to do to handle the unforeseen situation ? What should be the next course of action on the part of the advocates representing the petitioners ?
ajay sethi
(Expert) 27 January 2014
if petitioner or respondent is known personally to judge he may refuse to hear the case . similar if he has shares in company which is one of parties to the case he may refuse to hear the case
it is in interest of parties that case should be hard by another judge in such a eventuality
(Expert) 27 January 2014
Honorable Judge could refuse to hear the case on numerous grounds which can not be questioned.It is neither not going to affect any party in any way.You have to waite for it to get posted before another judge
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 27 January 2014
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