Compression in ca and llb ( taxation)
Vikas Sharma
(Querist) 13 March 2014
This query is : Resolved
I want to know what is difference in C.A. and LLB(taxation), and which one is batter.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 13 March 2014
if you want to practise as lawyer then do your LLB course . if you want to work as CA only then do your CA studies . as lawyer you have option to work in any field of law
Vikas Sharma
(Querist) 13 March 2014
can i also do audit after LLB (taxation)
ajay sethi
(Expert) 13 March 2014
no you cannot do audit work .
Vikas Sharma
(Querist) 13 March 2014
Exceptional audit work LLB(taxation) do all work of CA?
(Expert) 14 March 2014
c.a and ll.b taxation.
you are comparing two totally different professions.
if you compare c.a with icwai,or c.s ,or m.b.a,it is understandable.the coverage and syllabus in all these courses is similar.
c.a course deals with direct and indirect taxes,audit,accounts,finance,law, costing,computers etc..indepth and very is really tough call to do c.a .recent pass %is around 3%.
LL.b taxation deals exclusively WITH tax does not evn touch the versatile subjects stated above.
as lawyer in practice there are job chances and practice chances .but as c.a sky is the limit for job market or practice.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 14 March 2014
I concur with the opinion expressed by expert Mr.R.V.Rao on the subject.
(Expert) 14 March 2014