Damage of property
sowjanya lakshmi.s
(Querist) 28 March 2014
This query is : Resolved
Dear sir,
In a Agricultural Canal in a residential locality, Sewage Septic tank outlets drains are added by municipality due to no alternative and neighboring citizen also add their outlets in canal .Water for Agricultural purposes under Water Pollution Prevention Act 1974, action if any can be taken against citizen alone leaving Municipality or it is compulsory to take action against municipality also or NO ALTERNATIVE AT ALL FOR BOTH.
UNDERLAW can anyone will be asked to do impossible things under the brand of so called Prevention of water Pollution Act 1974 ??
ajay sethi
(Expert) 28 March 2014
you can sue both the muncipal authorities as well as citizens
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 28 March 2014
You can sue both, if want to spare municipality what are the reasons.