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Legal advice

(Querist) 25 December 2015 This query is : Resolved 
Hai one of my friend married recently its force marriage the guy also known well that she is not interested in this marriage and his family too but unavoidable situation she married that guy and she explained her situation and mental stress distribution she can't able to accept for sexul matters so she asked time to him but that man can't able to handle the situation he told the matter to everyone in his family initially they are indirectly warning the girl regard that matter after a month everyone forced her to do sec with him immediately otherwise they will send out her and told her parents and create big issues in that situation she said don't force me please give one week time at least I'll change myself but they are not ready to listen her and inform her parents and send her out of them house she came to her dad home and she also think and decid she don't need like this life. But her parents so traditional and live for the society so if ur husband wrong n character less anything you should adjust and live with him she loses her confidence and for her parents request she s OK to live they again for compromise but they are not respond properly if ur daughter wants to live here you should give guarantee signature if anything happens for your daughter the guys family are not responsible if u r OK she can live here if not OK give sign in divorce paper n give marriage amounts life security amount total 2 lahks...because your daughter only first said not ready for sexual life not my son so u have settle all the amounts now he s ready for second marriage for that also u should pay amount she and her whole family are in difficult situation please want give good solutions for this problem. Please help her and save her from hell life.
SAINATH DEVALLA (Expert) 26 December 2015
So U R from the girl's side.At the outset I feel the fault lies with both the husband and wife for entering into wedlock despite the fact that the wife was not interested in the marriage.She should have opposed initially itself that she was not in favour of marrying that guy.The husband knowing that the girl was against should have objected.Nothing wrong in opposing the elders in expressing u views.Now both of them have put their lives at stake,which could have been avoided with a sensible decision.

The elders feel they are always right in their decisions but the boy and girl have a right to put forth their views.

U said married recently,now that the marriage has taken place the wife should have reconciled herself and had a wilfull marital life with her husband.Sex is only a part of marital life but it is not the end of it.There are many more things,love affection,belief,trust and caring for each other.

Signing a bond paper,money etc,do not make a disrupted marital life to get on the track.
"He is ready for second marriage",quite ridiculous,within such a short span of marriage.Hence the husband too is not trust worthy in his approach.He is living with an ulterior motive to get rid of her.

If U people cannot find an amicable solution for repairing the damaged marriage,better both of them go for MCD,but have to wait for 1 yr.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 26 December 2015
If both are ready to live, they must try.

Signing on such undertaking may not help any side if anything occurs in future.

Terms of dissolution / amount payable are personal matter.

Signing on divorce is not legal till divorce is granted by court.

Try to have amicable solution.
alexander (Expert) 26 December 2015
he cannot remarry until he gets a decree of divorce from the court. Any such marriage, without the court divorce decree shall be automatically void.
consult family elders and come to a workable solution. there seems to be no point in giving iirelevant written assurances. they mean nothing and unnecessarily complicate matters
H.M.Patnaik (Expert) 26 December 2015
In the given situation , it seems there is no point in continuing the marital alliance.It is better to take immediate steps as per law for annulment of marriage in the interest of both the partners.
malipeddi jaggarao (Expert) 26 December 2015
Why are you blaming the boy and his family. How can we believe knowing fully well about the affair (presumed from your post) they agreed for this marriage. You are misleading the experts without giving full facts. Though the boy and his parents are aware that the girl is not that interested in the marriage, they might have agreed in good faith that there would be some change in her later. What unavoidable circumstances? You did not reveal.
Anyway coming to the problem, no boy will keep quiet for months together if the wife does not agree for sexual life keeping somebody in her heart. The boy is right in revealing the facts to elders and their family members are right in insisting for a letter to protect their own safety. They are good that are still accepting her coming back. Your friend should decide either to live in the wedlock or severe it. If she wishes to severe, better not to go inlaws place and give more troubles to them. Let her stay her parental house and take steps for divorce by mutual consent. She has already spoiled the life of an innocent boy. Let her not be allowed to spoil the life of his family members also by going there if she cannot reconcile with the facts.
Mohanaprithu (Querist) 26 December 2015
Excuse sir how can you blame even also that girl ...1-actually she think about elders and the families for both and she explained her situation to the boy before marriage itself Na in this case the boy should convey her speech to her parents right why he didn't do that...and 2-after the marriage the boy should change her mind right he may act to impress her right but why he didn't do that since he knew well that she is not interest on him and too she said him but he didn't mind her words there he lose her confidence on him right ? 3-what he should do now they both are family he didn't share his personal to the family members and elders because elders they aren't easily understand youngsters feelings they are think about the future and society only that also he know well even he shared every moment of her activities even she don't have any love affairs...that also he knew ...4- he is not self decision maker if anybody said u do this first everything will solve Na he will do like that if anybody said don't do this Na he will not that is his major point to dislike from his wife side this is what my thinking actually... Because most of the girls not like this attitude from the husband 5- and finally he knows that she is in depression mind and during the problems going somebody told him first you force her to start the life and everything will be solve he straight to came her and force her to accept for d sex this is actually not acceptable thing right ??
Mohanaprithu (Querist) 26 December 2015
Excuse sir how can you blame even also that girl ...1-actually she think about elders and the families for both and she explained her situation to the boy before marriage itself Na in this case the boy should convey her speech to her parents right why he didn't do that...and 2-after the marriage the boy should change her mind right he may act to impress her right but why he didn't do that since he knew well that she is not interest on him and too she said him but he didn't mind her words there he lose her confidence on him right ? 3-what he should do now they both are family he didn't share his personal to the family members and elders because elders they aren't easily understand youngsters feelings they are think about the future and society only that also he know well even he shared every moment of her activities even she don't have any love affairs...that also he knew ...4- he is not self decision maker if anybody said u do this first everything will solve Na he will do like that if anybody said don't do this Na he will not that is his major point to dislike from his wife side this is what my thinking actually... Because most of the girls not like this attitude from the husband 5- and finally he knows that she is in depression mind and during the problems going somebody told him first you force her to start the life and everything will be solve he straight to came her and force her to accept for d sex this is actually not acceptable thing right ?? Please if anything spoke anything wrong sorry for it because I saw her feelings straighten
Mohanaprithu (Querist) 26 December 2015
@Sainath Devella -- Actually she informed her decision before marriage itself but they only forced her to marry because the marriage fixed done by within a week 1 st day they came and the 9 the day marriage over in this situation what she can do she tried as much as did everything. Elders yes try convince her but they life partner should think right? And I also spoke with that guy before marriage and convey him that she is not interest in this marriage sir please speak your family sir try understand her sir nu but he didn't mind my words also :(
Mohanaprithu (Querist) 26 December 2015
Actually I don't how to compromise and advice her actually that is y I need you experts advice sir... I have to save and safe my friend life...
SAINATH DEVALLA (Expert) 27 December 2015
The legal experts have given their suggestions and advices about the course of action to be followed .It is left for the couple either to reunite keeping aside whatever has happened or break the marital life into pieces,running to the door steps of the Hon'ble courts.
alexander (Expert) 27 December 2015
in today's age nobody can force anyone to marry someonewhom he or she doesn't like

.be that as it may. Expert Sainath Devallaa has laid out the two workable options. make your choice after weighing all the pros and cons
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 27 December 2015
Well advised by experts, nothing more to add.
However, prima faice it is a hypothetical and unbelievable story.
How you are concerned, even if I rely upon the averments and statement made by you?
Mohanaprithu (Querist) 27 December 2015
Ho no really its truly happened that's yi came to get a device from experts...
Mohanaprithu (Querist) 29 December 2015
Hai every one u thank you all for great advice..and finally one confirmed actually that guy playing a dual roll coz today she made call in front if us he spoke like that he too not interest to live with her insulting her badly at same time he spoke with our aunt he said am not saying anything she only always said that not like me not interest in those things what can I do ma u advice her and send her to my home nu..every time my friend said that they behave different to me why u all not understand that please believe me I don't know how prove it but they acting like cinema their actions are different from personal life n the society nu. But we aren't believe her today she proved he is trying create bad name her and make good name on him..almost created very bad name her to the relative circle. Ho please she is in bad situation am not much experience on this I actually said don't lose your confidence have face everything.
Mohanaprithu (Querist) 29 December 2015
Hai every one u thank you all for great advice..and finally one confirmed actually that guy playing a dual roll coz today she made call in front if us he spoke like that he too not interest to live with her insulting her badly at same time he spoke with our aunt he said am not saying anything she only always said that not like me not interest in those things what can I do ma u advice her and send her to my home nu..every time my friend said that they behave different to me why u all not understand that please believe me I don't know how prove it but they acting like cinema their actions are different from personal life n the society nu. But we aren't believe her today she proved he is trying create bad name her and make good name on him..almost created very bad name her to the relative circle. Ho please she is in bad situation am not much experience on this I actually said don't lose your confidence have face everything.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 01 January 2016
If it is not possible to save the marriage, consult an able counsel and proceed legally.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 03 January 2016
It will be too early to dissolve the marriage except by an annulment. For annulling the marriage the non-consummation of marriage clubbed with forced to marriage shall constitute good grounds.
Under the given situation it will not be advisable to continue the marriage because the mindset in the boy side is different and there is no safety for the girl even if she compromises and decides to live with him.
Act and take wise decision.

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