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Asking guidelines

(Querist) 23 July 2019 This query is : Resolved 
Sir Firstly I was selected for the post of ASI/Exe in CISF through the CAPF exam 2011 conducted by SSC. During initial document verification, CISF withdrew my offer of appointment on tha ground of a case was filed against me in 2006 but I was honorably acquitted from that case in 2008 long before the appointment. In 2013 I was terminated and approached to Punjab and Haryana high court. Hon'ble Punjab and Haryana high court favoured me and ordered to CISF to reinstate me within the period of two months with all consequential benefits on notional basis. I joined on 14 Jan 2015. Department did not consider to give me equal pay and seniority to much batch mates. I wrote to DG CISF to consider court judgement and and my seniority was refixed with my batch mates and pay fixation was approved. Later I underwent promotion cader course with my batch mates but at the time of releasing of promotion list, my name was dropped due to not having six years of service. If I have been given six increments on assumption that I would have completed six years of service if I was not terminated in 2012. In the same way if six increments can be given on assumption, why not promotion???
Please suggest...
KISHAN DUTT KALASKAR (Expert) 23 July 2019
Dear Sir,
If you have merits you have to approach Service Tribunal or High Court for getting appropriate remedy.

Please mark “LIKE” if satisfied by my answer.
RAKESH KUMAR (Querist) 23 July 2019
Respected Kishan Dutt sir, after writing to Director General of CISF, department allotted me PSL no as per my merit in SSC exam. But didn't consider to promote because of not having six years service.
RAKESH KUMAR (Querist) 23 July 2019
What does consequential benefits include sir?
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 23 July 2019
As per your query, Punjab Haryana Court ordered to reinstate you with all consequential benefits. so approach CAT.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 25 July 2019
CAT do not have any jurisdiction for a service matter concerning CISF.
If CISF did not follow the directions passed by P & H High Court did you move contempt petition? If not filed, it is your fault.
It would be advisable to consult a local prudent lawyer for proper appreciation of facts, guidance and proceeding, if you do not want to continue earlier engaged lawyer.
RAKESH KUMAR (Querist) 25 July 2019
Thanks to all respected scholars for appreciable guidance. First I went to CAT, as Vashista sir said, CAT didn't accept the petition due to not having it's jurisdiction. Now I approached to Delhi high court.

Is it good to go Delhi high court than to Punjab and Haryana high court?????

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