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Dual employment issue

(Querist) 22 April 2020 This query is : Resolved 
PLEASE Can anyone give me an answer.
I have placed xxx mnc in 4 apr xxxx yr, left 2nd organization got relieved date as 20th apr xxxx. If I go new organization they asking about dual dates issue. But 2nd company haven't paid me for April month salary, I can show a proof of Apr xxx mnc bank statement. Will. It be acceptable? Did hr of new org get convinced. Or did he call xxx mnc and ask about this dual of future dated how you accepted.?
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 22 April 2020
Nothing can be anticipated. It is the issue of satisfaction of the second company whether it believes on the bank statement or calls for the record directly from the first organization. Even both the modes can be adopted. If nothing is wrong then why to worry?

What is the secrete in dual dates? Post the full facts so as to enable us to address your query perfectly.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 22 April 2020
Company has to form view of its on based on the information available with it.

It is better to discuss with your company joined. otherwise, let them form a view and proceed to ask particular information from you.
Guest (Expert) 22 April 2020
Bank statement is not a proof to nullify the effect of dual employment. Only relieving letter and appointment letter showing the actual date of relief from one company and joining the other is considered as proof of employment.

So, don't be in any misunderstanding. You will have to get the issue settled on record of the organizations concerned.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 23 April 2020
You are yet to be relieved by your second employer or already issued with relieving letter ?
New employer will make necessary inquiry about yourself from your last/previous employer, it is procedure being practiced generally.
P. Venu (Expert) 23 April 2020
Why if, is this not a real issue? Anyhow, the issue is within the discretion of the employer concerned. Please note that a private employers can adopt and follow its own norms, so long as such norms do not cause an injury (in the legal sense) upon the employee or violate any statutory provision.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 23 April 2020
Generally if such case happen, the old employer may ask you to return the payment between the date of joining new concern and date upto which paid by previous concern. In fact this may be a line for adjustment. The new concern may not want to loose its employee just on this small concept.
All depend on attitude of new concern, they have to follow law / acts of the land and policies away from these have to be framed at company level.
P. Venu (Expert) 23 April 2020
Mr. Goyal, Thanks for avoiding multiple postings. Kindly keep it up.
Nivethitha Samraj (Querist) 23 April 2020
Hi All,

Totally I have experience in 3 company including present.
I got placed in Mnc 2apr xxxx because of good package, so left old organization by Intimating it as sick leaves they closed my records. I was not aware and also afraid to face the situation by that time. After few days I felt it was wrong and informed my second org TL sickness and also joined new organization. I was asked Him and Hr team to provide me a reliving letter of the date which I left the organization, and also paid for last 2 mnths salary to get letter. They took money from. Me and mentioned I left 20th apr xxxx year. I asked him why u have done this, the day when I left I required my reliving letter.
That hr scolded me and also told me I can't give you it's a procedure as per rule. Why can't he tell be before issuing the reliving letter exact date, even I sent many mail mentioned with the date which I worked last date.
Can anyone help me to get a new reliving letter.
At least he could mentioned she left so and so date but she her insurance benefits closed on 20 apr xxx I can accept getting money from the one who worked tht org employee and scolding is the first time I am facing this situation.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 23 April 2020
You said:
Why can't he tell be before issuing the reliving letter exact date, even I sent many mail mentioned with the date which I worked last date.
After leaving the job in a Company, only few companies cooperate, rather create troubles.

Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 23 April 2020
You said:
Can anyone help me to get a new reliving letter.
Can send legal notice and file case for rectification of the referred error only if facing some problem in new company / assignment. If previous company does not respond / do the needful, may move to court. This would be time and cost consuming.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 23 April 2020
You said:
At least he could mentioned she left so and so date but she her insurance benefits closed on 20 apr xxx

What type of Insurance, some Insurance benefit may continue even after service till the premium is received.
Guest (Expert) 23 April 2020
Mr.P .Venu Any thing to say or to add please
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 23 April 2020
You said:
I can accept getting money from the one who worked tht org employee and scolding is the first time I am facing this situation.

Company has been changed already, forget, no reason to remember all these, concentrate on new job. Move otherwise if facing problems in new job due to this relieving date.
P. Venu (Expert) 23 April 2020
Yes, Mr. Goyal has disappointed not only me, I believe, everyone of us.
Guest (Expert) 23 April 2020
One fellow made a post, "Mr. P.Venu any thing to say or to add please."
Is this an expert's solution to the problem of the querist or a student's request to his teacher to teach him more in addition to other experts?

Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 23 April 2020
The disappointment which has been indicated by Mr. P. Venu is not only from the person he was expecting but also from many other. The style of reply is also very strange. A particular expert (so-called) remainds the author that' you said this and this.....' assuming that like him author has also forgotton what he wrote or he cannot read now what he wrote in the query. This is cheaper tact adopted openly by a score hungry person. God bless him cool mind.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 27 April 2020
Author, whether any problem faced by you in your new company?

Have you sent written request (hard copy) to your previous company regarding correction in your relieving date? If yes, what was the reply received if any.
Guest (Expert) 27 April 2020
Makkad ji,
You cannot expect a better style of answer from a child. Apparently, he has taken shelter of the image of a child with a view that the readers may not know who makes plenty of the irrelevant and vague posts.

Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 27 April 2020
It is unfortunate that despite of posting irrelevant replies and changing the same after reading the replies of other experts, such persons do stand in the category of Experts and holding highest place. Nothing can be done.
Guest (Expert) 27 April 2020
The only remedy, they need adequate exposure.

Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 27 April 2020
Despite of repeated exposure, no change is visible rather this habit is increasing day by day and post by post.
Guest (Expert) 27 April 2020
People usually get idea of junk material being supplied by some fake experts through their multiples of posts.

Even otherwise also, if someone cannot contain his advice in one or two posts and makes multiple posts that itself gives an inkling that nothing definite to advise by the so called fake expert and he is just resorting to making only gossips.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 27 April 2020
His aim can also be to gain maximum score on this site apart from making gossips. After all top score matters for showing it to the prospective clients. Its professional use may also be taken.
Guest (Expert) 28 April 2020
Of course, that is 100% true! Rising up by just posting gossips! He must be boasting to his local clients that he is the topmost expert in lawyers club.
krishna mohan (Expert) 29 April 2020
You can discuss with the present employer with factual info. and if they agree what is the issue. But, legally without relief you should not have joined the new employer.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 29 April 2020
Humbly and respectfully differ with the expert to the tune, that the matter need to be discussed with present employer only if some objection is raised by them. Otherwise no need is there, it may instigate them to initiate the inquiry / proceedings against the Author / would give a tool in their hands for future.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 29 April 2020
Difference of opinion is imminent here and the same should be welcome by all.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 30 April 2020
Expert Raj Kumar Makkad,

Thanks for positive approach / post / views.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 30 April 2020
Regards to Shri Rajender Goyal for taking the comments positively. There is no mense-rea for personal comments in the mind while posting advice on some different aspects of a query. None should take it as a personal comment which is seen here since last many days.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 01 May 2020
Thanks for the comments, agree with the last few lines.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 01 May 2020
You are always welcome Mr. Goyal.

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