Right to infomation Act, 2005
Rajaram C Iyer
(Querist) 22 February 2009
This query is : Resolved
DEar Ld. Members,
Please clarify my dout. Every State Government has its own State Information Commission and Act. My question is can we seek information from State Government invoking the Central Act i.e The Right to Information Act?
(Expert) 22 February 2009
The Right to Information Act is an Central Act enacted by the Parliament and it extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu Kashmir. Based on the provision of the RTI Act the Public Information Officers, Appellate Authorities are appointed by the State Government and Central Government for each and every department under their control. Each State Government has constituted State Information Commission in their respective States in accordance with the above said Act. Each State does not have separate RTI Act.
(Expert) 22 February 2009
Mr. Perumal is absolutely right.
Ravi Arora
(Expert) 22 February 2009
agreed with mr. piravi
(Expert) 23 February 2009
i will go wid Mr. Perumal...
(Expert) 23 February 2009
Sorry, Some State Governments have their own Acts and not in all States, after enactment of Central Act, the State Acts have not been repealed. Delhi is the example.
(Expert) 23 February 2009
Mr Raja Ram,
yes, you can prsue the issue by invoking the central act i.e. The Right to Information Act, 2005.
in case there is a conflict between the state and central acts, the central act prevails valid and upheld.
(Expert) 26 February 2009
I agre with above view.
ritu bhadana
(Expert) 02 April 2009
i agree with all my ld. friends