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Copy of complaint

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 10 August 2011 This query is : Resolved 
A private complaint filed by wife in court against husband ie 498a and dowry harrasment.

Is police legal bound to share the copy of complaint with accuse so he can prepare his respnose.
if yes under which code if no what are teh option available to husband.
Ravikant Soni (Expert) 10 August 2011
Within 24 hours of FIR lodging a copy thereof is sent to competent magistrate. you can apply for certified copy there.
Saket Agarwal (Expert) 10 August 2011
I agree with Mr. Soni
DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (Expert) 10 August 2011
If case is filed against you copies will be given if not and you are called for questioning still copies will be given so keep quite.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 10 August 2011
As only the complaint has been sent to polie for investigation and lodging of FIR, there is no need of preparing fro ny response so no need for copy of complaint at this juncture.

Professionally also, I think you should not make reply or response against any allegation because your lawyer may have to take some other line of action while defending you. So be happy at this juncture.
M/s. Y-not legal services (Expert) 10 August 2011
Yes. Before questioning thats must be served copies to accused..
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 11 August 2011
Tom sir, u said before questioning copy must be served, is it at discertion of police officer or he is bound to under which IPC.
I am aware i can get copy from court, but I want to know what are my option before police

Case was filed in Jan 2011 I am not aware of content for Fir.

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