How to go about ???

Querist :
(Querist) 10 August 2011
This query is : Resolved
Respected Sir !
Sadar Namaskar-
My son is at present undergoing training in Madhya Pradesh Generation Company and the training is about to be completed in five months. He is under Service Bond according to which he has to pay Rs. 2 lakhs if he leaves the present job before completion of 5 years. So far so good and we have no problem in paying the amount if he gets a better offer.
Now the problem is that even if we say that we are ready to pay the amount, they do not forward my son's application for candidature elsewhere due to sluggishness. he is posted at BIRSINGHPUR THERMAL POWER STATION and the head quarters office is at Jabalpur where the application is required to be forwarded. If he applies independently without mentioning that he is working in a Public Sector Thermal Power Station, it amounts to telling lies in the application which is dangerous for the career. In public sector no body bothers about such petty things and if we send an application for forwarding, neither it is forwarded nor do we get any reply.
My request with folded hands to you, Sir, is that can we force the administration to forward his applications by any means. I repeat that if he gets selected, I am ready to beg, borrow or steal and pay for the bond amount.
I shall be having no words to express my gratitude if I am advised as to how to go about.
With regards,
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 10 August 2011
Sastry ji Namskar!
There is no need to bow to such an extent. Your problem is very simple. You move an application seeking forwarding it as desired along-with a cheque of Rs. 2 lakh as bond amount and simultaneously its one advance copy direct to the office where it is required to be forwarded. This fact should clearly be mentioned in the application that one advance copy is being forwarded directly to the concerned office.
In this way, the authority shall definitely be bound to take action as desired. It can also be done to send the application either through registered post or should be received from office Dak.