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Legal advice on revenue land

(Querist) 09 November 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Respected Team members,
I need your legal opinion before I go ahead .
We bought revenue Land 6 sites ( 30*40) from a developer who had 1 Acre and 10 Guntas of Land , Developer sold 1 acre of land to some REDDY and he retained 10 Guntas of land . in September 2011 he sold 6 sites ( 30*40) each to all our family members and we got Khata and we paid yearly tax to Panchayat office .
I started constructing my dream house in October 2012 , took building plan approval from panchayat office .
When we started construction the Reddy people claimed Land belongs to them , he informed to stop the work immediately otherwise he will get JCB and demolish our foundations and my bore well . I went to sub registrar office and got Reddy sale deed it was clear that the property doesn’t belong to him as he claimed . when we approached the developer he suggested let the survey people come . Again the Reddy claims Land developer has come to an agreement with Reddy much before our sale deed in September 2011 and he has already taken money for 10 Guntas. Reddy is not showing the agreement .
I gathered information , all the developers in that area are doing the same practice to grab the land and sell to Reddy at higher Rate . I would like to Take Court stay order and start construction . Pls advise .
ajay sethi (Expert) 09 November 2012
move court for declaaration that you are owner and for an injunction restraining reddy from distrubing your peaceful posession
Mohammed Ilyas (Querist) 10 November 2012
Mr Ajay Thanks a Lot for your prompt Response . what is the process of taking Injuction order , how much time is involved and cost . Once i get injuction order will i be able to construct house without anyone disturbing me .

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