Regarding company rules for resignation & termination
(Querist) 04 April 2013
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir,
I'm working as a Smartclass co-ordinator in Educomp Solutions Ltd from last 4 years. From last year i.e 2012, I am not receiving salary on time. And from this year i.e 2013, I didn't receive my salary from Jan month till date. As company (Educomp Solutions Ltd) seneiors says that due to financial poor condition this is happeneing. Now company is forcing to resign but I was doing my job with full dedication. Its not only me, almost most of the employee facing the same problem. Kindly help me and guide.
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 04 April 2013
In absence of watchdog in private employment ans especially for white collar employees, the employers largely act dictator like.
I would advise you to search for new job in the meantime.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 04 April 2013
If the financial health of the company is not good and you all are working with 'dedication' even without getting any salary, it shall not run for a long time. Better to immediately accept the offer of the company and trace out the appropriate place wherein your dedication may get good reward.

(Expert) 05 April 2013
Seniors of the company seem to be clearly misguiding, as the balance sheet of the company for the year 20111-12 shows a fat net profit of Rs.18,890.29 Lakhs on a small equity capital of Rs.1,921.28 Lakhs and Earning Per share of face value of just Rs.2 is Rs.19.68.
Even for the latest 9 months from April to December-2012, the company earned a net profit of Rs.3,651.84 Lakhs.
The company also has a fat reserve of 1804.25 Crores of rupees. So, any one can question those seniors how the financial position of the company is said to be poor?
So, it is not a case of bad financial conditions of the company, rather the bad intentions of the management.
The tactics seems to be just to compel the employees with less than 5 years of service to resign in order to avoid payment of gratuities to the employees.
You must submit your appropriate representations and reminders to the company to make payment of your overdue salary before thinking to take any legal action or to resign before completion of your service for not less than 4 years and 8 months at your credit to become eligible for gratuity.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 05 April 2013
+Respected Dhingra G! The querist has not disclosed the data which you posted in your reply. What is the source of such information and how do you name of the company wherein such querist do his job? The querist has even not disclosed his company.
(Expert) 05 April 2013
Dear Mr. Makkad,
The querist has very clearly indicated that he is working as a Smartclass co-ordinator in Educomp Solutions Ltd from last 4 years.
Thus, he has disclosed the company in which he is working.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 05 April 2013
Thanks Mr. Anirudh! I really overlooked the name of the company. I withdraw my comments made over the reply of Ld. Dhingra g and now strongly appreciate his study over the economic health of the company wherein the querist is working.
The querist and his companions are now required not to bow before the intention of the company rather should initiate legal action as advised.

(Expert) 05 April 2013
Makkad ji,
The querist in his query has clearly indicated the name of his company as, "Educomp Solutions Ltd" and I have quoted the audited figures of the same company, as available in their Annual Report and Quarterly Reports. The fact is that most of the employees of a company do not know about the figures of these reports, as such reports rarely go to their hands. So, it is but natural that the querist also would not have accessed any such report to quote the figures in his query or to repudiate the claims of the seniors.
You may like to see the latest report even at the following link:
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 05 April 2013
Thanks a lot Dhingra g! As soon as I was reminded by Anirudh to see the name of the company in the query itself, I realized it and instantly withdrew my comments made thereon.
I again do appreciate your in-depth study of the so-called 'deteriorating economic health' of that company and have changed the stage of the show. Thanks a lot for initiation.
Adv k . mahesh
(Expert) 05 April 2013
great that Mr dhingra had given indepth results of the company is that the employee is asking to resign or because the company is big and if his words goes to paper or any tv channel then the company will have a very bad reputation
as you said about gratuity it is his right
only for that particular reason company will not leave a dedicated person who is working without salary
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 05 April 2013
This co. is a listed Co.and had very fancy in the market for it's growth prospects which it delivered but it's management has lost it's credence due to a raid of I.T. and it's future growth is also bleak ,then what Dhingra ji has concluded,may be a quite possible reasons.Mind that it is not "MIND'S
TREE management"

(Expert) 05 April 2013
Dear Shri Makkad,
Thanks for your appreciation. I really do not try to reply without analysing the problem. Also, I do not try to quote any unauthentic figure, if I have to quote in my reply. Anyway, I did not mind your asking for clarification.

(Expert) 05 April 2013
Mahesh ji,
Thanks also to you for appreciating my efforts.