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Valuation slip=counterclaim=amendment-ws

(Querist) 03 June 2013 This query is : Resolved 
Respected Sir(s),
for preventing a harmless roadside peepal tree cutting, the cutting contractor has filed OS seeking 50000/- towards loss.He had no order when he was cutting and stopped by complaining to authorities. He managed order latter. The tree is already cut and left with almost 10-15 ft above ground.and has spurted again and is growing.
Now we have filed WS for a counter claim of 4.5 lacs. for which client is not in position to pay entire court fee. we have paid 2000/- and requested for paying the left over on decision of the case on finality.
Judge directed to file valuation slip and entire court fee which comes to almost 30000+.
Now is it possible that we revise/reduce the counter claim to the extent of court fee paid or by paying little more to reach at a claim of 75000/ or 1 lac for which court fee comes to around 3000/+ within reach.
Judge is insisting to file valuation slip and court fee on 4.5 lac which is not affordable. else he will reject counterclaim by which court fee (2000) already paid is going to be lost.(The complainant is financially not that sound)
Therefore, kindly guide on,
1. How and what should be the contents of val. slip
and 2. Can the counter claim be revised downwards (from 4.5 lacs in WS) to make the court fee within reach.
Kindly help.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 04 June 2013
You have raised academic query instead of posting the facts. so come with relevant facts and seek reply thereafter.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 04 June 2013
state real facts.
AAVADHOOT. D (Querist) 04 June 2013
Resp. Sir(s),
I have modified the query to explain in detail. Please try and help out.
J K Agrawal (Expert) 04 June 2013
One can relinquish any part of his claim at any time and no need to pay CF on 4.5 lakh. Just look into your local Court fee act.

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