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Propar method to show respondent

(Querist) 10 November 2013 This query is : Resolved 
I am drafting a PIL for the rights of Innovator and Researcher of India.
The respondent of my case is
Department of Science & Technology
Now give me clarification which method is proper between following two ways to show as respondent in my PIL

Method No 1

Secretary, Department of Science & Technology,
Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi – 110016

Method No 2.

Union of India,
Through Secretary, Department of Science & Technology,
Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi – 110016

There are some questions in my mind,
1) What is the difference between that above two methods to show as respondent?
2) Which method is proper and why?
3) Give me some more general information about this issue please.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 10 November 2013
method no.2 is correct.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 10 November 2013
Consult some professional.
ajay sethi (Expert) 10 November 2013
method no 2
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 10 November 2013
The query in many steps was asked vide:

Better consult some senior professional to avoid any procedural lapse.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 10 November 2013
contact SC lawyer.
Yogesh (Querist) 10 November 2013
Why method number 2 is correct, please any one can me any document or any reference thereby I can understand the fact of why writing like "Union of India"
Rajat Bindal 09917149977 (Expert) 10 November 2013
Civil Procedure code says , whenever a Govt. department or authority is made a party to any suit, the union of India/ State Govt. should also be made a party to it. Hence applying the same principal you should make Depptt. of science through secretary and U.O.I, through District Magistrate or through Secretary a party.
Anirudh (Expert) 10 November 2013
Mr. Yogesh is opening fresh threads when inconvenient questions are put to him in his original thread.

He is unable to understand that when he is affected by any action/inaction of the Authorities, he cannot file PIL but has to file a writ under his own name.

Further, it is also not clear as to about what he is aggrieved. the fact and circumstances are not at all clear. Instead of answering the query posed to him, he is only bent upon asking other queries.

Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 10 November 2013
Agree with expert Anirudh ji. This is proved from the above references.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 10 November 2013
Method no. 2 is correct
R.K Nanda (Expert) 10 November 2013
nothing more to add.
Yogesh (Querist) 11 November 2013
Thank you very much to all my respected guideline teachers, I got understand completely same method matter.

I have decided to go through PIL under ARTICLE 16(1) & 51A(h) OF THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA in SC, also decided without a paying any fee to any parson, one reason is lack of finance, and another make self dependance, I have to understand court process from this experience that what kind of problems face by common person to get his rights from court, I have to set a way thereby other can also find such non dependance way of justice. on the base of common people facilities.
You may understand my effort through following web link and all about this case.

Some one think, I repeating my queries, but actually I am trying to got more perfect answer. So please understand me.

Sir(s), you are doing great roll for common people, and I insure that your words newer waste, our discussion on some topic not only benefited to me, but also for who face same problem in future, ones posted on internet that's the open for all. thereby I said, you are doing great roll for justice.
May happy to all !

Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 16 November 2013
You should insist on your original thread inspite of your aim to attract maximum comments from the experts.

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