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Child custody

(Querist) 17 December 2013 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Sir,
I am a helpless father of a 3 years old son

1)Child custody case (ACT8) filed may'2012
2)Feb'2012 got visitation right & also to celebrate birthday on 09'march'2012 at wife place
3)09'march'2012 their door was close , police came and inspect the event
4)April'2012 i was beaten by wife wile visiting my son , police send for treatment and made an GD.They made no case
5)Court pass order to change nutral place , then she agree ,and sign a joint pettition that she will bring my son
each saturday on court and lawer chamber , passed the order sept'2012
6)She came in sept'2012 , whole october she was absent
7)I was going to file contempt of court, she started to come again
8)3 weeks che came , after that 3 weeks she is not comming
9)Her lawers says that , she is a govt nurshing staff , manpower is short in her hospital, she can not get leave
10)They applied for modification of order twice in a month

But i wants to meet my son every week.If she is not available , i am ready to pickup and drop for
specific period of my son , as he is very dearer to me.

My question is , is there any reference / order / judgement that father can take her son with him for limited period
each week with him.
Please mind that my son is only 3 (three) years of old .If any thing has, please give reference

ajay sethi (Expert) 17 December 2013
you are entitled to visitation rights . you dont need judgements .
Sayan Poddar (Querist) 17 December 2013
But she is going to reduce from each week to twice in a month...she is stating she can not get leave each lawer..also is not confident..please tell , can we keep it each week...what is the best possible way ?
Nadeem Qureshi (Expert) 17 December 2013
file a contempt petition before court or file an application for modification before trial court.
fell free to call
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 17 December 2013
Oppose the move for change of orders. If decided against you file appeal. File contempt if court orders are not adhered to.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 17 December 2013
U get execution decree so that she will be compelled to bring son as consented.

[Ayan: FOR UR EYES ONLY "Pl remember ur dearest::: son:::, is not permanent feeling!! Neither it is two sided. It is one way traffic, illness of mind; that all realise after 10-15 years:: U realise after 15 yrs, ur efforts r all useless." a pawn in hand , and to protect it, person looses life, as in fact, it was air, not even air..& repent!!I don't intend to hurt u, but better to keep stone on love-vibrating heart, otherwise it harms more than help.]
R.K Nanda (Expert) 17 December 2013
no more to add.

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