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How to change father's name in birth certificate.

(Querist) 11 April 2015 This query is : Resolved 
Respected Sir, I have changed my name by adding surname as Puranmal Verma in place of Puranmal by affirmation of oath on affidavit in court and publishing same in Times of India newspaper. Now I wanted to amendmend my name (Father's name)in my sons's Birth Certificate new name as Puranmal Verma in place of Puranmal. My son's DOB is 10 Sep 1997 and birth certificate was issued on 27 Jun 2009 by Registrar Birth & Death. I have applied also for the same to issuing authority, but my file returned without amendment by stating as "any amendment could not be done on basis of late entries of registration of birth as per para 11 of Haryana Registration of Births and Deaths Rules, 2002". But no such provisions are stated in Manual of Civil Registration System,Haryana. In this regards I have sent online query & email also to Public Grievances portal (HARSAMADHAN)Haryana Govt official website, also intimating to State Nodal Officer and Registrar Birth,death & Civil Surgeon Rewari Haryana on 27 Mar 15. But till today no reply is received. Now mismatch of father’s name in birth certificate is becoming obstacles in admission of professional universities, procuring passport and other Governments procedures as a formost and mandatory document. Now It is my humble request to advise me on this matter to solved my problem.
Thanking You

Puranmal Verma
Mob: 07259907852
M/s. Y-not legal services (Expert) 11 April 2015
except the date of birth any particulars can be rectified in birth certificate through a proper application before the concern authority.

so you make an application along with sufficient proof. it is possible one. if they denied mean you have alternative remedy before court of law.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 11 April 2015
The paragraph of Haryana Civil registration System Manual is as under:

Corrections and cancellations:
5.8 Birth and Death certificates issued under Civil Registration System are simply extracts of the registration record. These certificates are legal under Indian Evidence Act, 1872. Hence particulars once given by the informant with his/her signature cannot be changed at any later stage. Haryana Registration of Births and Deaths Rules, 2002 have provision under Rules 11 for correction of an entry in the register which is erroneous in form, or substance, subject to the provisions of these rules, can be corrected or cancelled. The errors may be of different types: (i) clerical or formal error (ii) error in substance and (iii) fraudulent of improper entry. The procedure in such cases is as follow:
(1) Clerical or formal error: In this case the Registrar must inquire into the matter and satisfy himself that such an error has been made. She/He should correct the entry and send an extract of the entry showing the error and how it has been corrected to the Chief Registrar. If however, the register is not in her/his possession, then she/he must make report to the District Registrar. In this behalf and call for the register for enquiring into the matter and making necessary correction in the register. In the case, the corrections would require countersigning by the Additional District Registrar.
(2) Error in substance: In this case the Registrar can correct the entry upon production of declaration setting forth the nature of the error and the true facts of the case made by two credible persons having knowledge of the facts of the case. All corrections should be reported along with necessary details to the Additional Chief Registrar.

Puranmal Verma (Querist) 12 April 2015
Hello Rajendra K Goyal Sir,

I also gone through Para 5.8 of Manual of Civil Registration System Haryana state. In the above paras provisions are made for Correction & Cancellations on the various errors. But my case is different and not falls under above para. It is also mentioned that all informations given by informant with his signature cannot be changed at later stage, If I agree then please advise on on following:
1. At the time of procurement of passport / admission in professional universities/colleges, Father's name will be mismatch with other documents, at that time what is the remedy ?

Thanking You

Puranmal Verma
H.M.Patnaik (Expert) 27 February 2016
At that time you have to produce documents evidencing change of name available with you.

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