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consumer forum

(Querist) 19 July 2008 This query is : Resolved 
i am tenant in a house & electricity meter is in the name of landlord,i m using electricity & paying bills.unfortunetly my meter was removed by the electricity deptt. in default of payment & i cleared my bill & make a request to restore my meter but now elec.deptt. is saying that they cannot restore meter without consent & written request of the landlord,my landlord wants to dispossessed me from his house thats why he is not giving his consent,what remady i can avail,can i move to consumer court being user of electricity..plz enlighten me
Srinivas.B.S.S.T (Expert) 20 July 2008
You can file a consumer complaint against the electricity board for reconnection of the service connection. If you want the copy of the complaint you can contact me at I have dealt this type of case and i secured reconnection for my client. I will give you the copies of entire case file if you want.
Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Expert) 20 July 2008
how the meter is your?&how is biils are yours too,why you pay an another name biil that is your responsbilty,you r not a consumer but if your land lord fight the case then it makes a ground.(to make a consumer there directly consuming relaction ship is must and u r not completing the same in my view)if your land lord gives any autherty tow fight the case in the term of attorny then you can fild d case in consumer fourm. electrict merter is a subject to related with his owner.
Srinivas.B.S.S.T (Expert) 21 July 2008
Sir though the meter is registered in the name of the land lord the end user is the person who is using the elctricity and paying the bills in most of the cases that will be the tenant. So the person who is consuming the electricity and paying the bills will be the consumer but not the person in whose name the meter stands. Will you think the owner will face the consequneces in case the tenant piliferages the meter?
Srinivas.B.S.S.T (Expert) 22 July 2008
Waiting for your post Mr. Bansal

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