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sale made to sez unit

(Querist) 01 September 2008 This query is : Resolved 
'A' registered dealer in karnataka sale made to 'B' registered dealer in Tamil Nadu.

'A' made sale to 'B'. In trun 'B' is effecting sale of same goods to sez unit in other state against form - I

whether sale made by 'A' is eligible against Form-H sales, is there any provision where sale to sez will qualify as export zone

Rajesh Kumar (Expert) 04 September 2008
The Special Economic Zones Act makes it very clear that all supply to SEZ shall be traeted as exports.
VASANTH D JAGANATH (Querist) 07 September 2008
Dear Sir,

thank you very much for the clarification.

in this regard i would like to clarify further that, under cst there is only exemption is given any sale made to SEZ unit through Form-I

Under Karnataka Value Added Tax Act, 2003 there is no exemption is available only refund of vat paid on purchases is there

Inspite of this can a dealer claim it is an export sales?
Rajesh Kumar (Expert) 13 February 2009
Under CST Law, penultimate sale for export is exempted. As supply to SEZ is export, the exemption of penultimate sale for export (form H procedure) is available in this case.
VASANTH D JAGANATH (Querist) 13 February 2009
for pneultimate sale there is specific provision under cst, is there any provision under kvat law if it is there kindly provide the same
Hiralal Das (Expert) 04 April 2009
Thanks to Mr. Kumar.
Sorry it is unavailable to me in this time. Hope any of the members of this forum will help you more obviously to solve your problem. I can also assist you few days later.

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