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Injunction against expulsion from alleged membership of a cl

(Querist) 07 August 2010 This query is : Resolved 
I have a question to ask. A Society for Horticulture a voluntary body, regd.under the Societies Regn. Act has a provisionn, that all application for membership shallbe accompanied by remittance of a fee aand it shall be considered by its Governing Council and the Council can admit the applicant as a member or reject it without assigning any reason.
In the present case, the membership has not been accepted. But the past secretary has sent notices to attend General body meetins, against which there were written protests from members, recorded in the minutes book The suit is now filed as if they are members and injn. against expulsion. We contend they have not legally become members and there cannot be estoppel by conduct as the byelaws, give full power to admit or reject.

Can the act of wrongly inviting the said persons, without they having been duly admitted to membership give them the status of members
Request valuable expert views

s.subramanian (Expert) 07 August 2010
no certainly not. mere attendance at the meeting wihout being conferred membership cannot avail to their benefit.

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