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Playing in the garden (age group 15 years to 30 years)

(Querist) 06 December 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Sir, I am staying in a complex of eight Buildings.There is a garden surrounding by these building, Total area of the garden is 8000 sq ft. and the distance between the gardens from the building is only 06 to 07 foot. The main problem is the people (age group 15 years to 30 years) are playing football & cricket, and they are not listing to stop the play. Much of residence is disappointed, Please give your valuable suggestion that what should we do?
ajay sethi (Expert) 06 December 2012
garde is meant for playing by the kids . you can pass resolution in the Managing committee that in case any window panes are broken the repair charges will be paid by the kids playing in the garden .

Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 06 December 2012
If you feel any problem due to play of kids, can personally contact the society to restrain them and reserve park only for walk and meetings.
Guest (Expert) 07 December 2012
Garden, if not on a privately owned land, is a public place for access by anyone without any restriction. Unless any unlawful activities are undertaken by any of them or prohibition to any specific activies is made by some official order, they cannot be restrained from playing in the garden.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 07 December 2012
This is first time I see someone campaigning against sports.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 11 December 2012
Agreeing with Mr Dhingra and Mr Burman i would add that Playing of children cannot be seen as an activity separate from right to life.

Every housing society has some one not happy to see children playing.
M.Kapoor (Querist) 12 December 2012
Sir,Thanks for your valuable reply.But it is garden not a play ground and under this garden the water reserved tank is there.And sir is a 30 yrs old person is a children.
Guest (Expert) 12 December 2012
Dear Mr. Kapoor,

Since it is a public place, water tank is there. Otherwise, water tank should also not be there. If persons aged 30 years play in that public place, you can also find 60-70 years old retired employees also playing cards in the same garden.

I again repeat, public places are meant for public use for any lawful activity, unless specifically prohibited by an authorised Government authority.
M.Kapoor (Querist) 12 December 2012
Sir,Thank you for your valuable suggestion.But may be I didn't clear all the matters.But this is complex garden & complex people are playing there.Thanks again sir for your reply.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 12 December 2012
Most welcome your appreciation.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 03 February 2013
It is better you give a police complaint and get all your doubts sorted out.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 03 February 2013
It id Garden and not a Playground.

Though it is allowed as Pvt ground, If majority of the view that hours be restricted , or that age group be restricted to 12 years, or that it cannot be used for certain games that create nuisance, noise or damages glass windows etc, Society Resolution can be passed, and it can be stopped.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 03 February 2013
Self discipline of the locality residents is the best option in the given problem. If society members impose restriction over them then it can easily be enforced.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 13 June 2018
I agree with exxperts.

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