Drc act section 14 (1)(e)
deepak garg
(Querist) 11 March 2013
This query is : Resolved
Dear sir
i have filed eviction petition against tenant under section 14 (1)(e) drc act for requirement of tenanted shop which is situated in tri nagar.so that i can start my pvc pipe trading/business shop.
Earlier i was doing the business of manufacturing of pvc pipes from my premises at bawana.
However ,unfortunately the said manufacturing business had to be closed on account of various constraints and due to heavy losses.
In leave to defend tenant had mentioned that the said business of manufacturing of pvc in doing good.
I dont have any proof to show that i have closed the business of manufacturing of pvc pipes.
Tenant also not submitted any documents to proof it.
will it have any adverse affect on the case
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 11 March 2013
It is tenant's allegation,then he has to prove.But it is surprising why do not YOU have the proof of it's closer?It was a factory,you might be having licences,losses.surrender,a/c books closed,sales tax, excise ,it returns all might have gone closed or surrendered .
(Expert) 11 March 2013
mr prabhakar singh clearly pointed the surprising matter. according to that hope we knew that you r not have proff recards
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 12 March 2013
closer of your manufacturing business has nothing to do with the present controversy because a landlord need not to tel whether he has closed his earlier business or not rather he has to establish that he requires his property for his own use. None has got power to question about his needs. There are hundreds of such judgments helping your case.