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Legal advice

(Querist) 05 May 2013 This query is : Resolved 
respected sir/madam,
we came to know that an accused who is under trails had given secondary open school examination in april 2011 without seeking permission from the jail authority, and he even pass secondary examination from the open school, we have all his personal details but we don't have his roll number then how can we get his mark sheet from the open school so that we can prove him a fraud
please help us.....we need your help please...thanks in avance...
ajay sethi (Expert) 05 May 2013
why create obstacles in path of accused who wants to study further ? it is good that that he is shwoing interest in studies and has given secondary school exam
prabhakar singh (Expert) 05 May 2013
We must have some pragmatic view.Hate crime but not the criminal.
Nadeem Qureshi (Expert) 05 May 2013
agree with experts
R.K Nanda (Expert) 05 May 2013
no more to add.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 05 May 2013
Why are you after him ?
You want to spoil the achievement of a person who is serving his sentence in jail and still had shown merit or courage to clear his examination.
I can not help you in this issue. (Querist) 05 May 2013
respected sir
we dont want to produce barriers in the path of his studies we are just concerned about the fact that he did not seek permission from the jail authority for the examination which is illegal ..... and sir the lines u have said in the previous reply are not satisfactory as u have not lost your brother but i did due to this accused that's why i want more and more cases against him so that he can get a strong punishment for his did...
Khaleel Ahmed Mohammed (Expert) 07 May 2013
There is no need to take any permission from the jail authorities for open school course.If any body is in the judicial custody the government policy is to encourrage them to pursue their studies in any open school or open universities. (Querist) 08 May 2013
bt sir to give examination he/she must have to take permission from the jail authority to go out of the jail premises ???
Khaleel Ahmed Mohammed (Expert) 08 May 2013
Your information about without permission might be wrong.Check once again and get it certified the same and post the scaned copy of the same at this portal.
Khaleel Ahmed Mohammed (Expert) 09 May 2013
False queries should not be posted,the experts also requested not to entertain such false queries.
Guest (Expert) 09 May 2013
The query is not for legal advice but for revengeful advice, as it clearly seems as if it is out of some revenge!

A question arises, how you know that he has not taken permission from the jail authoerities, and how he could absent for long hours in several days for taking exam when he has not taken any permission?

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