Consumer protection act
(Querist) 23 May 2013
This query is : Resolved
a seller having 100 sales outlet and raise sales bill without address of sales outlet .Whereas as per other laws applicable and time being in force is mandatory to mention address of sales oulet , branch etc. apart from registered or HO. Can it be treated as unfair trade Practice und Consumer Protect Act ? or any any other term.It needs immediate attention of respected experts
Kishor Mehta
(Expert) 23 May 2013
Every sales memo should contain the name, complete address [and VAT/TIN number wherever applicable] of the seller. Otherwise it becomes and offense under several laws, punishable with monetary penalty as also imprisonment.
Kishor Mehta
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 23 May 2013
Such situation shall definitely do come within the ambit of unfair trade practice apart from violation of other relevant laws.
(Querist) 24 May 2013
I am very much sastisfy with the reply . Thanks to all experts.
Surana, Chennai