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Promotion & transfer to higher post in police

(Querist) 24 September 2013 This query is : Resolved 
hello sir, my father is class 1 officer in ksrp(Karnataka state reserve police) , now he is getting promoted & transferred to higher post, now the problem is he has less service period i.e around 6 months & his health is very bad, so how can he cancel his transfer .
pls reply .
Thank you
ajay sethi (Expert) 24 September 2013
he can make representation on medical grounds not to transfer to another city .
Nadeem Qureshi (Expert) 24 September 2013
agree with Mr. Ajay
vishwas (Querist) 24 September 2013
Thank you so much for that reply sir,
but how to make medical grounds and to whom should we represent.
ajay sethi (Expert) 24 September 2013
you have stated that your father health is v bad . in other words he must be suffering from serious illness . enclose the said medical certificates in your father representation to authorities against his transfer
vishwas (Querist) 24 September 2013
thank you ajay sethi sir .
ajay sethi (Expert) 24 September 2013
thanks for your appreciation
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 24 September 2013
Nothing more to add.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 12 February 2014
or he can refuse promotion
Advocate. Arunagiri (Expert) 12 February 2014
Well advised by Mr.Ajay, query is resolved.
Guest (Expert) 12 February 2014
Normally, any employee is not transferred within the last two years of service. But cadres of police are exception. In fact, refusal of promotion after orders of promotion are treated as indiscipline on the part of the employee and he can be made subject to disciplinary action for his refusal to join his post on promotion.

If any employee desires to be not promoted, he is required to send his request for not considering him for promotion well before the start of selection process.

Now, the only remedy lies in his making a humble request for cancellation of his transfer in view of the ensuing date of retirement as well as health reasons by meeting personally the cadre controlling authority.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 13 February 2014
agreeing with Mr Dhingra I would add that even after promotion order the humble request to cancel posting (with/without refusal of promotion)can be considered.

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