sarah jane
(Querist) 17 May 2016
This query is : Resolved
I got married before 5 months it was a arrange marriage. Boy was not ready he broke the engagement but my family and his family pressurized him for marriage. His father spended 18 lakh on wedding however we spended 6 lakhs. My husband doesn't spoke to me he is in bangalore when ever i call him he tells me that this marriage was forced on him and he is not happy. He doesn't spoke to me. We dont have any physical relation now his parents are forcing him to bring me to bangalore but he is denying. Is there any way i can force him to stay with me and does making physical relationship with him will change him is there any law that if husband wife have physical relationship husband can't file divorce. I want him to stay with me but he is looking for divorce.
Please suggest
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 18 May 2016
he is the defaulter party and cannot benefit from his misdeeds. He cannot file divorce on this ground.
P. Venu
(Expert) 18 May 2016
Law cannot compel consummation of marriage; only love and affection can.
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 18 May 2016
If your husband is not willing then do not force him. Marriage can not work out if one party is adamant not to lead married life with the partner.
Hence be practical , move on in life and after getting divorce settle once again.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 18 May 2016
Try to save marriage, take help of relatives, common friends, society effective people.
Divorce can not be filed before one year of the marriage.

(Expert) 18 May 2016
The Boy/your Husband Not to be Blamed as he was Not willing for the Marriage as you have Said.There Could be so many reasons for his denial/un willingness for the Marriage.The Marriage is obviously by Force by the Parents of both the Sides.Better Meet him Personally with out the knowledge of both the Parents and Discuss the facts with out any Compulsion or Force.If he has got any Valid Reasons better go for Mutual Consent Divorce which could be Completed in 6 months.Your Other Claims Sort it out amicably with Parents of both the Sides.
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 18 May 2016
nothing to add more.
(Expert) 19 May 2016
You have to act patiently when you wanted to stay with him as your hubby was not intended to marry you.
It is very clear that your husband does not marry you with his own will but with force by his parents. When this known to you why did you agree for the same. Prevention is better than cure but you have missed that chance. So better leave it to the time for some period without insisting him 'cause marital bond has to be carried on with love and affection.
1. Try to meet and discuss with him personally as one of our experts suggested in the right way and try to pacify him with right choice of discussion.
2. Do not put pressure on him to consummate your marriage that would be good for you if the final result of your efforts are negative for you.
3. Then Try to mediate with the elders of your family and relatives or well wishers to have successful marriage life.
4. As a last resort go for legal settlement .
" MARRIAGES ARE MADE IN HEAVEN " so you do not be influenced by any body you should be bold enough to tackle the undesired issue on your own.
I do not want to give the legal advice at this stage.
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 20 May 2016
Well advised by experts, nothing more to add.
Prakash Ramchandani
(Expert) 20 May 2016
i will say wait for one year, write love letters, not expect reply, explain him the rules of love and laws, and suffering, i think with in no of months more or year he may turn back, always write in postal letters, for love and expectations only,in future those letters will help you lot,
you can make silences expect love...wait an wait.. else all above suggested
Prakash Ramchandani
(Expert) 21 May 2016
this is the sight for helping and suggestions, so views and experts can reply at their best,
here i will add one thing,
first separation application is or can be filed, at any time even after few days of marriage,
when one do not wish to live with other then he/she can file separation application
and when two years passes it can be converted in Divorce application,
i think, all the things are possible in preview of laws,
we shall not under astimate any opponent lawyers also it are my defencing views
it is common suggestiveness or any body who is observing this sight or even the concern party or even i think lawyers also who can even correct my views or their views...
sarah jane
(Querist) 26 May 2016
Thank you for the advice i want to add one more part. He loves someone else from past 5 years and that is the reason he is looking for separation or divorce because he want to marry that girl. He even told me that they have physical intimacy.
But i dont want to leave him he told me that he want to file for divorce.