Case status
(Querist) 23 November 2016
This query is : Resolved
One of the CC case is staus listed as:
Business on Date- 20/4/2016;
Hearing Date - 22/4/2016;
Purpose of Hearing- Order /Judgement.
Does it mean that the case is finally disposed off ? But the order /Judgement is not available in the e-court web site.
How do i get a copy of judgement, being not a party to the case !
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 23 November 2016
contact ur lawyer.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 23 November 2016
Your own local counsel can help you to find if judgment has been pronounced and get a copy.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 23 November 2016
There is possibility the Judgement was not delivered on the mentioned date.
Discuss with your lawyer.
(Expert) 23 November 2016
I am stand with my learned experts point
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 24 November 2016
The case is still pending, contact and consult your lawyer for further question(s).