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Pagadi system

(Querist) 16 March 2018 This query is : Resolved 
Hi Sir

we are staying in bhayender in a pagadi system house from 1987, but from 2006 to 2008 we were staying on rent in borivali in this period our landlord had send us a notice that the house in bhayender is no more us and give it to him. we were running that case in thane civil court and the decision was against us. we again filed an appeal in thane session court even this time our appeal was dismissed on 14th march 2018. the court has asked to vacant the place till 14th April 2018.
as my dad is retried and my mom is house wife we are all 3 sister of those 2 are married and 1 is unmarried we have no other option where we can shift in a months time. Shall we vacant the premise or shall we file appeal i high court. if we vacant the premise will we get compensation of that room as per market rate? also the room is in very bad condition the ceiling is falling, all the iron bars are been seen its very risky to stay there and we have not renovated the room from past 15 years even the landlord is not allowing us too renovate the room as the court case was going on. If we file an appeal in high court then we again cant do renovation till we get the final judgement.

Sir can you please guide us in this matter what can be done shall we leave the premise? if yes will we get compensation? or shall we file an appeal in high court? and how to stay in that property in such a bad condition.
Kishor Mehta (Expert) 16 March 2018
You may appoint a practicing advocate and file an appeal in the Hon.High Court of Bombay within the specified period from the order of the appeal court, else you shall have to vacate the premises. You do not have a legal right to demand compensation in the matter.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 18 March 2018
Why do you not believe in your lawyer contesting your case(s).
If you have lost faith in him/her you must change him/her immediately.
But do not adventure for second opinion except the fact it is available FREE OF COST, which may turn against you due to lack of relevant information, facts and circumstances explained by you.
bhakti (Querist) 19 March 2018
if we file an appeal then we need to stay in the same place without renovation till the final judgement? but its very risky to stay there as mentioned earlier.

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