Stamp duty and amount of stamp papers for agreements
Mitesh Shah
(Querist) 20 August 2008
This query is : Resolved
A company having HO in Gujarat wishes to open branches across india [almost in each state] by entering into Leave & License / Lease / Rent agreements for a periods ranging from 1 year to 5 years.
1. Is there any stamp duty obligation on company as a Licensee / Lessee / Tenant?
2. What amount of stamp duty would be payable will it be State wise?
3. What amount of stamp papers will be required , will bit be also state wise?
Kindly guide for the same.
Mitesh Shah

(Expert) 20 August 2008
Each state will have different rates of duty for lease and most of them depend on the tenure of the lease.
In Karnataka this site will provide full details.