Spreading false rumours by an official of my bank
ashok k rao
(Querist) 27 March 2012
This query is : Resolved
I am a Divisional manager in a Co-op Bank which is highly community oriented and I am an outsider who recently joined the bank after distinguished career in couple of banks including India and abroad.
I am here for last <2 years. Having joined as a Branch manager, elevated as Divisional Manager within 8-10 months because of my credentials. Many did not like my promotion and sitting on them. I have been highly professional and means business only to support the bank's targets.
Recently, as instructed by my Zonal Head, I visited a branch where this lady is Asst Manager. The Manager was out of town on duty which I did not know.
I visited this branch, spent few minutes and signed the visit report and left for other branches. I visited 2-3 branches more and went to a Police Station in connection with a bank's case. Evening I returned to office and my movement register was got signed by my Zonal Head, as per the practice.
I heard after few days that a message has been spread by this lady to all the branches and HO that I visited this branch drunk.
1. I dont drink and never took drinks in my life time. Love body building and music. Known for personal discipline.
My movement register and branch visit report proves that I was totally on the move on that day.
2. I have sent a mail to HO detailing all these and requesting to initiate action against this lady for attempting to sabotage my career and maligning my image and reputation in the bank.
Even after 4 days bank has not sent me an acknowledgement on my mail.
I cant keep quiet and want to charge this lady for playing mischief with me.
Kindly advise.
ashok k rao
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 27 March 2012
You should wait for the action from the bank as the period of 4 days is not a much period to initiate action given the attitude of working in India. You should send a reminder to Bank HO and should request them to expedite their action necessary for maintaining your moral as well as a discipline in the bank.