Two-wheeler insurance company not paying correct amount.
Arvind Sharma
(Querist) 18 June 2012
This query is : Resolved
I had made a two-wheeler claim on Dec 2011 on ICICIlombard. Total amount of claim was Rs 5600/- And i received Rs 3500/-check.
I was very disappointed as the surveyor has told me that i will get atleast Rs 4300/-
So i asked the compnay to provide me the complete split up of claim.
I received the Split up in Mail and found that the company has not considered Rs 700/- of labour in the check that i have received.
I have confirmed from the ICICIlombard agents on phone that labour amount is provided (Also i have received labour amount in claim from other insurance company, when my vehicle was insured under them.)
After talking to ICICIlombard for 6 months now, i was finaly told that they will not provide any extra amount to me.
Please guide me if i can put this case in consumer forum (i have still not deposited the check that i have received from them dated 23-jan-2012)
thanks & reagrsd,
ajay sethi
(Expert) 18 June 2012
you should have accepted the money under protest . deposited the amount and fought ofr balance amount .
if cheque is within validity period deposit it .
going to cousmer forum for additional rs 700 is not worth it . you will spend more on legal fees and it may take 2 years for a decision
Kiran Kumar
(Expert) 18 June 2012
the consumer litigation may not come of gr8 use to you.
however, you may lodge a complaint against the ICICI with the regulators.
(Expert) 19 June 2012
Present the cheque for the claim received, immediately before it gets stale and forget further litigation which would spoil your money, energy and peace of mind.