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Succession certificate

(Querist) 13 February 2013 This query is : Resolved 

Greeting this is with reference to our piece of and situated in santacruz (East) my maternal grand Mother had around 9000 sq ft registered in her name on lease in 1961. Due to her death in 2002 she left the property on to her heir without making any Will and we wish to apply for a succession certificate for the same the estate value is around 4.5 crores we wish to transfer the same into our name what is the procedure and exact stamp duty payable please note that the said land is on pagdi system and even rent is not being received from us for last 25 years is the stamp duty is on % basis what other remedy can provided to get the same registered on our name please guide and advice
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 13 February 2013
The receipt of rent has nothing to do with the matter of succession. File a petition before the relevant civil court impleading all legal heirs of your maternal grand-mother as parties to the petition and then affix the stamp duty as per value of the property which generally is 3%.
ajay sethi (Expert) 13 February 2013
make an application to high court for issue of succession certifcate . c0ourt fees would be rs 75,000 plus legal fees
Pillai Sunil Sannu (Querist) 14 February 2013
Thanks your your wired reply it is very appreciative of you that you'll replied even at late night thanks sir it is because of senior advisor like you junior advocate like me can succeed in life

But i am a bit confuse in two posted messages rs 75000/- or 3% or estate value is payable as Stamp Duty.

Pillai Sunil Sannu (Querist) 15 February 2013
Thanks your your wired reply it is very appreciative of you that you'll replied even at late night thanks sir it is because of senior advisor like you junior advocate like me can succeed in life

But i am a bit confuse in two posted messages rs 75000/- or 3% or estate value is payable as Stamp Duty.
ajay sethi (Expert) 15 February 2013
in mumbai maximum court fees would be rs 75,000 for obating successin certifcate

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