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To become a lawer

(Querist) 25 May 2013 This query is : Resolved 

I am a Videographer My age is 44 years I passed B.Sc.,(Psychology),M.A. (C.C&E) .My ambition is become a Lawer, But I am a family man my son is studyine B.E.,(2 ND Year),my daughter is studying +2.

So, how can study Law in reqular courese ...Because my attence of class is only for some days..

Help me to where to join the college where attendance is not needed...I Need help...

My contact Cell 94428 03036.......... " God Is Great "

Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 25 May 2013
There is no such college in India which may provide you facility as desired by you.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 25 May 2013
not possible.

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