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Sc/st power of attorney

(Querist) 23 August 2013 This query is : Resolved 
I have two questions
1.Can a SC/ST candidate give her or his power of attorney to a general candidate?
2.what is the general law governing all these power of attorneys?

P. Venu (Expert) 24 August 2013
Vague query. Pl. provide the material facts, if any.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 24 August 2013
What is ur objective??
Guest (Expert) 24 August 2013
Academic query without discussing any problem!
Guest (Expert) 24 August 2013
Academic query without discussing any problem!
Anirudh (Expert) 24 August 2013
Anybody can give Power of Attorney to any other person in whom he has confidence. THERE IS NO CASTE OR CREED OR RELIGION BAR IN THIS REGARD.

A SC/ST can give the power of attorney to a person who belongs to General Category.

Similarly, a General Category person can give power of attorney to a SC/ST person.

A hindu can give a power of attorney to a Muslim or Christian and vice versa.
sunit chaudhary (Querist) 24 August 2013
I guess I did not draft my question well hence lot of comments talk how vague it is. This question came up in a general discussion with my lawyer friend. And I thought what better forum to settle this. Any ways thanks@ Anirudh.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 24 August 2013
Academic query.
ajay sethi (Expert) 24 August 2013
we dont reply to academic queries
Guest (Expert) 24 August 2013
Even your revised query is still an academic query, as you have not mentioned anything aboutr what is the real problem. POA, itself, cannot be a problem, but how the POA is taken and whether used in the interest of or misused against the interest of the principal by the POA holder can be the problem.

If you have made a discussion with your lawyer friend, he must also be able to know whether the POA can be given by anyone to anyone, there being no specific restriction on caste or religion.

The important point is that the intentions should not be bad or not taken by coercion or cheating by misleading the principal.
sunit chaudhary (Querist) 24 August 2013
I am sorry i was not aware that this is not a forum for academic queries.Kindly guide me to right forum. Thank you all for taking your time and replying. i am again sorry and thankful to you all.
Guest (Expert) 25 August 2013
Expert's section we deal with real life problems, not academic queries. You seem to be reluctant in discussing the real problem in spite of repeated requests.

So, you may post your query in the Forum section, if mere academic discussion is desired without discusing the real problem. In forum section experts also participate to answer the queries of members.
malipeddi jaggarao (Expert) 25 August 2013
Well explained by Mr.Dhingra.
sunit chaudhary (Querist) 25 August 2013
@PS Dhingra, I am not reluctant in discussing any legal issue if there is any because I know expert will guide me better and providing all necessary details will help only. Regards and Thanks to you all
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 27 August 2013
You said

"@PS Dhingra, I am not reluctant in discussing any legal issue if there is any because I know expert will guide me better and providing all necessary details will help only. Regards and Thanks to you all "

Then come with facts of the case.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 27 August 2013
Agree with expert sudhir kumar ji, come out with facts.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 29 August 2013
Post your query in forum section of the same site.

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